Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain Soldier Dir. Kristen Zimmerman - Konami
Persona Q Margaret Dir. Valerie Arem - Atlus
Persona Arena Max Margaret Dir. Valerie Arem - Atlus
2K Games PAX Coverage Host Dir. John Ihma - 2K Games
Akihara'sTrip Vampire Dir. Taliesin Jaffe
Chaotic Awesome Host Dir. Michele Morrow- BiteSize TV
School of Thrones Mellisandre Dir: Matthew Mercer
Walk of Shame Anne Dir: Brendan Bradley – Crittick
Brain Food Daily Host Dir: Sax Carr - Participant Media
Pen & Paper & Lazer Guns Hannah Dir: Bruce Monach – Autarch Productions
Proxy: A Slenderman Story Jess Dir: Mike Diva – Black Box TV
Batgirl: Spoiled Stephanie/Batgirl Dir: Damian Beurer - Ingenious Pictures
Super Power Beatdown Host Dir: Aaron Shoenke - Bat in the Sun Productions
Written By A Kid Sally McGrease Dir: Mike Diva - Geek & Sundry
1000 Ways To Die Ep. Game Over Spike TV
Tagged Host Node
8.13 Sonia Dir. Rachael King - Kitty Quilt Productions
The Grind Host Game Revolution/Alienware
Looks That Kill Host Dir: Justin Coloma - Magical Elves Productions
Mask and Cape Host Dir: Brian Morrison - Stan Lee's World of Heroes
Game Room Erin Dir: Bernie Su - Machinima
Arklay Angela Dir: Shawn Lebert - Pony Pen Productions
Bonjour Starwars Princess Leia Dir: Emily Weller - Comediva

Adventure Company Member Dir: Michael Coleman
The Improvables Company Member
So Fresh and So Clean Improv Actor Dir: Jacare Calhoun
The Best Christman Pageant Ever Alice Actors Theater of Louisville
Combat/Stunt Combat
Bow Staff
Little Caesars Pizza Cashier Soup to Nuts Productions
The Buried Life Girlfriend MTV
Mega Model Russian Syndicat Television
The Halmark Channel College Student Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith
Training & Workshops
Paradox Pollack Movement/Combat
Carmine Downey Combat
Naughty Dog: Amy Hennig & Gordon Hunt Motion Capture
Point Park University Acting Major
The American Academy of Dramatic Arts NY Acting Major
Waldon Theatre Concervatory Acting Major
Combat Con- Las Vegas Combat
LA Connections Comedy Theater Improv
New Begginings Workshop: Peter Skylar Acting